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3 Steps to Get Started on Your Journey to Healing with God

(1) Draw near to the Father

(a) Know the Father

Jesus-Christ came so that we may know God as our Father and reconcile us with Him. You get to know the Father through His word, found in the Bible. Read it often and get acquainted with God, His names, and His attributes. Get to know Him as a loving and caring Father who is also the healer (Jehovah Jireh). He doesn’t just deal with physical wounds: He wants to heal you mentally and emotionally so that your heart and your mind can also experience his freedom.

(b) Believe the Father

It’s one thing to know, it’s another to believe. As you read through the word of God, believe that the words are meant for you. Believe that God truly is who and what He says He is: good and loving, among other things. Believe that God is personally speaking to you, giving you promises of blessing and sometimes words of correction so that He can shape you to become the truest version of yourself. Believe that not only He can, but He wants to heal you.

(c) Talk to the Father

The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Prayer is simply a conversation with God and it can come in many forms. Get in the habit of talking to God throughout the day, in traffic, when you study, when you’re going through a challenge – he’s waiting for you to invite him into your situation. However, make sure that you set some time aside to let your guard down completely and be vulnerable with God.

Being vulnerable gives room for God to work on you. When you expose your darkness to Him, He exchanges it for His light. Though He knows your thoughts, your habits and everything that you are, being vulnerable not only allows you to build that intimacy with God, but it also helps you to become more self-aware and compassionate.

(2) Forgive

When the disciples asked Jesus how many times one should forgive, he answered them 7 times 77 times. You might be tempted to do the math, but that was just to say “always” – as many times as someone hurts you, you should forgive. It’s not easy, but it is possible. Forgiveness is not for the person you forgive, but for yourself. Many like to say that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die from it. When you don’t forgive, the only person being held captive is you. The person who hurt you goes on about his or her life, yet you remain stuck in a prison cell called “the past”. Here are the three main people you should forgive: others, yourself, and God.

(a) Forgive Others

Your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister, your friend, someone you thought was a friend, a teacher, an uncle, a business partner, a mentor, a stranger. Forgive anyone who has ever hurt you. They may not deserve it and you may have the right to be angry but forgive. It is for your own well-being and for the glory of God. Recognize the wrong and the severity of the wrong that was done to you, believe that in the end it will work out for your good, ask for the Spirit of God to help you forgive, and forgive.

(b) Forgive Yourself

Sometimes it is easier to forgive others than it is to forgive yourself. But again, recognize your wrong, ask God for forgiveness and forgive yourself. If you have the possibility to make things right with someone you’ve wronged and ask for forgiveness, do so. Don’t force it, however. If it’s meant to happen God will open the door for you to make things right.

(c) Forgive God

Yes, forgive God. God’s ways are always just and good. He works everything out for our good. He wants the best for us. However, our idea of how things should happen are not always how God proceeds. There are times you’ll be angry with God and feel let down by him but forgive him. Be honest with him and yourself about the expectations you had in a certain area of your life and the disappointment you felt when it didn’t happen.

(3) Repeat

People will keep on hurting you. You will keep on making mistakes. God will keep on doing things His way and you may not always agree. When that happens, keep on returning to His word. Let yourself be reminded of who God is and His character. Keep on drawing near to Him and believing His word. Keep on being vulnerable and honest with Him about your feelings and thoughts. Keep on changing your perspective and thinking the highest thoughts. Keep on forgiving others, yourself and God. And remember, you do not have to do it alone: the Spirit of God is there to help you through it. When something seems too difficult to do, invite Him in your situation and lean on His strength rather than your own.

Before you go

Jesus-Christ says in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Everything laid out in this post is available to you. But it starts by receiving Jesus-Christ as your Lord and Savior. You can do it right where you are if you desire. Simply say this prayer:

Dear Lord ask Jesus. I acknowledge that You are the Son of God; that you came on Earth, bled and died on the cross and was resurrected after three days. Thank You for Your sacrifice, for taking away all my sin and reconciling me with the Father. Come into my life today through Your Holy Spirit. Fill me up, lead me into all truth, and restore me. Amen.

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